italki/Preply/AmazingTalker/Cambly/Verbling Income calculator
Welcome to the Teacher Income Calculator! This free online tool allows you to calculate your income as a teacher based on your hourly rate, hours worked per week, and commission percentage.
This calculator may be useful for Freelance Teachers/italki/Preply/AmazingTalker/Cambly and more
To use the salary calculator, simply enter your hourly rate, hours worked per week, and commission percentage in the input fields provided. Then click the “Calculate Income” button to see your results.
The calculator will show you your hourly income, actual hourly income (after commission), daily income, weekly income, monthly income, and yearly income. This can help you better understand your earnings as a teacher and make informed decisions about your career.
Whether you’re a full-time or part-time teacher, this calculator can be a useful tool for understanding your income potential. Try it out today and see how much you could earn as a teacher!
For italki Teachers set your commission to 15%
Teacher Income Calculator
Hourly Income:
Actual Hourly Income:
Daily Income:
Weekly Income:
Monthly Income:
Yearly Income:
Commissions for Create a profile Online Language Schools
- Verbling: Charges a commission of 15% for each lesson taught on the platform.
- Preply: Takes a commission ranging from 33% to 18% depending on the number of completed lesson hours with a particular student.
- Lingoda: Does not charge any commission fees to teachers.
- Wyzant: Takes a commission based on the subject and the number of hours taught. For language tutoring, the commission rate ranges from 25% to 9%.
- Cambly: Pays tutors a fixed rate per minute of tutoring, with no commission or platform fees.
- VIPKid: Pays teachers a fixed rate per class, with no commission or platform fees.
- FluentU: Does not provide direct language tutoring services, but charges users a subscription fee for access to their language learning courses and materials.
- AmazingTalker charges a commission fee ranging from 15% to 30% depending on the tutor’s level of experience and the number of lessons they teach. Apply to work for AT here
- Freelancers (those working direct with students) although you dont pay a commision, you may spend money on advertising, try to guess what percentage of your income you spend each month on advertising and add that as your commision.
- Verbling income calculator/ How much can I make working for verbling: https://www.verbling.com/
- Preply income calculator/ How much can I make working for https://preply.com/
- Lingoda income calculator/ How much can I make working for reply https://www.lingoda.com/
- Wyzant income calculator/ How much can I make working for wyzant https://www.wyzant.com/
- Cambly income calculator/ How much can I make working for cambly https://www.cambly.com/en/
- VIPKid income calculator/ How much can I make working for VIPkid https://www.vipkid.com/
- FluentU income calculator/ How much can I make working for FluentU https://www.fluentu.com/
- AmazingTalker income calculator/ How much can I make working for AmazingTalker https://www.amazingtalker.com/
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